福島第一原子力発電所の事故は、発電所外に大量の放射性物質をまき散らしました。海底では放射線の減衰が激しいため、計測するには海底面に接触する必要があるため、放射性物質がどのように分布しているのかを調べるのが困難になります。 |
広範囲に渡って、正確な分布情報を取得するため、本研究室では船から曳航ができる放射線計測装置「RESQ hose」を開発し、これを使って海底面の放射性物質を連続的に計測する調査を実施しています。また、小型なRESQ hose miniを用いて川、沼の調査を実施しています。現在では、RESQ hoseで計測したアノマリーをより詳細に調査する海中ロボットを開発し、調査を実施しています。 これまで1600km以上の総距離の連続計測を実施し、データを公表するため現在解析中です。JAEAが開催したシンポジウムでの発表資料を以下のリンクよりダウンロードできます。 (RESQ: Radiometric Environment Survey and Quantification) |
Deployment of towed gamma radiation measurement system off Fukushima
- RESQ15-03 Towed survey off Fukushima, Mitsui , February, 2015
- RESQ15-02 ROV survey off Fukushima, Mitsui, February, 2015
- RESQ15-01 Towed survey off Fukushima, Sanyo Techno Marine, February, 2015
- RESQ14-07 Towed survey off Abukuma river outlet, Sanyo Techno Marine, December, 2014
- RESQ14-06 Towed survey off Fukushima, Fuyokaiyo Kaihatu, November. 2014
- RESQ14-05 Towed survey off Abukuma river outlet, Sanyo Techno Marine, Aug. 2014
- RESQ14-04 Towed survey off Abukuma river outlet, Sanyo Techno Marine, Aug. 2014
- RESQ14-03 ROV monitoring of Anomalies using the fishing boat Hasekaze (20 tonnes), Chief Scientist: Blair Thornton, Feb. 2014
- RESQ14-02 Towed survey off Fukushima, Sanyo Techno Marine, Feb. 2014
- RESQ14-01 Towed survey off Abukuma river outlet, Sanyo Techno Marine, Jan. 2014
- RESQ13-09 Towed survey off Fukushima, Fuyokaiyo Kaihatu, Dec. 2013
- RESQ13-08 Towed survey off Niida river outlet, Sanyo Techno Marine, December 2013~Feb. 2014
- RESQ13-07 ROV monitoring of Anomalies using the fishing boat Hasekaze (20 tonnes), Chief Scientist: Blair Thornton, December 2013
- RESQ13-06 Towed survey off Abukuma river outlet using the fishing boat Watarimaru (10 tonnes), Sanyo Techno Marine, October 2013
- RESQ13-05 Towed survey off Abukuma river outlet using the fishing boat Watarimaru (10 tonnes), Chief Scientist: Blair Thornton, July 2013
- RESQ13-04 Towed survey of Izunuma in Miyagi using a 100 kg motor boat, Chief Scientist: Blair Thornton, May 2013
- RESQ13-03 Towed survey of Abukuma river outlet using a Fishing boat (10 tonnes), Chief Scientist: Yusuke Yano, March. 2013
- RESQ13-02 Towed survey off Miyagi using the R/V No.7 Kaiyomaru, Chief Scientist: Yusuke Yano, Feb. 2013
- RESQ13-01 Towed survey off Fukushima using the Fishing boat Shizumaru (20tonnes), Chief Scientist: Blair Thornton, Feb. 2013
- SY12-12Leg1 Towed survey off Fukushima using the R/V Soyomaru (National research institute of Fisheries Science), Chief Scientist: Daisuke Abe, Dec. 2012
- RESQ12-02Leg2 Towed survey off Fukushima using the R/V Kotakamaru (Fukushima Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station), Chief Scientist: Blair Thornton, Nov. 2012
- RESQ12-02Leg1 Towed survey off Fukushima using the R/V Kotakamaru (Fukushima Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station), Chief Scientist: Blair Thornton, Nov. 2012
- RESQ12-01 Towed survey off Fukushima using the R/V No. 8 Kaiyomaru (Marine Ecology Research Institute), Chief Scientist: Kusakabe Masashi, Aug. 2012
- YK12-05 Deployment of GB-2 in hydrothermally active areas using Shinkai 6500 and the R/V Yokosuka (Japan Agency for Marine Science and Technology), Chief Scientist: Tatsuhiro Fukuba, May 2012
- 7MFV-6 Deployment of GB-1 for pointwise in situ measurement of radionuclides off Fukushima using the R/V No.7 Kaiyomaru (Marine Ecology Research Institute), Chief Scientist: Jun Misonoo, July 2011